賀本會榮獲 IIA 2022年建立意識獎章


IIA總裁Anthony J.Pugliese來函如下,恭喜本會榮獲2022年建立意識獎章,在此與會員朋友分享。




目前商業態勢比以往任何時候都更加複雜,在 COVID-19 大流行、網絡威脅日益嚴峻、通貨膨脹、供應鏈問題、不斷改變的法令環境、非財務議題如ESG以及其他事項,內部稽核專業從未有比現在更為重要,也從未有比現在是擔任內部稽核更佳的時機。貴會於提升我們專業能見度和肯定其重要性方面所做的貢獻,是令人讚許和極其重要的。




I’m pleased to present to you, on behalf of The IIA, the 2022 Building Awareness Champion Award. Each year, we recognize those who have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to promoting the internal audit profession throughout Internal Audit Awareness Month, which we celebrate every May.

Our Chapters, Affiliates, and industry stakeholders are vital in raising the profile of internal auditors around the world, highlighting the value we add to organizations and the important role we play in good governance. The business landscape is more complex than ever before. Between the COVID- 19 pandemic, increasing cyber threats, inflation, supply chain issues, a shifting regulatory environment, non-financial issues like ESG, and so much else, the internal audit profession has never been more critical and there has never been a better time to be an internal auditor. Your contributions in elevating our profession’s visibility and affirming its importance is both appreciated and vital.

In gratitude for your professional commitment, I’m pleased to present you with the attached digital award, which I encourage you to display proudly on your social media and to your members, customers or employers.

Once again, thank you for the excellent work you’re doing to elevate our profession each and every day.



Anthony J. Pugliese, CIA, CPA, CGMA, CITP

President and Chief Executive Officer

The Institute of Internal Auditors, Global Headquarters